Affinity Partner Inc
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What We Do

Affinity Partner Inc. is a consulting firm specialized in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Marketing (Loyalty) Programs and Strategic Marketing Alliances. We focus on areas, where we build on a vast industry and subject matter expertise to help management make the big decisions: on strategy, operations, mergers & acquisitions, technology and organization. MORE

Our Market

"There are currently over 400 loyalty programs in the U.S. alone. Having been a vital part of American Airlines AAdvantage and Lufthansa Miles & More, I feel privileged to serve this growing market in developing, implementing and operating Customer Loyalty Programs. It is a mature business model with still undiscovered revenue potential. "

Peter Buschmann
President & CEO


Affinity Partner Inc. "is conducting your marketing program". We compose ‘solos' for individual parts of your organization and we design ‘orchestrated campaigns' which bring together a multitude of different instruments. It's easy to say shareholder value is important. Affinity Partner Inc. is helping to accelerate the connection between actions you can take and shareholder value. MORE

Practical Tools




The Importance of Customer Loyalty in an Economic Downturn

Affinity Partner Newsletter
by Peter Buschmann

The current economic downturn has the potential to destroy valuable customer relationships. Companies like American Express in the U.S. have cut credit lines of individuals with a 25 year history of paying their balances on-time. Cost-cutting initiatives have compromised service levels. The current rise of unemployment and pay cuts leave sales staff demoralized. In order to compensate for the lost revenues, companies have started to look for alternative ways to impose new charges and fees. Many customers feel betrayed. MORE

Industries & Competencies

The consultants of Affinity Partner Inc. have served many loyalty programs and airline alliances around the world:

In addition, we have worked for many Fortune 500 companies in Automotive, Consumer Products, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Health Care, Entertainment & Media, Retail, Technology, Telecommunication and Travel & Transpor. MORE

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